Below is a breakdown of how well past Legal Studies students answered questions that related to sentencing and punishment. Answers with an asterisk are the correct answers.
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A known offender is not released after his sentence has been served.
What type of detention is this?
This question involved the concept of the post-sentencing considerations – continued detention. It was the fourth-most successfully answered question with 85.7% of candidates answering it correctly.
In the District Court, 25-year-old Morgan is convicted of drug trafficking.
What is the highest court that could hear an appeal by Morgan against the conviction?
This question addressed appeals and cut across the criminal trial process and sentencing. It was the third-least successfully answered question with 42% of candidates answering it correctly.
To what extent are courts the only means of achieving justice within the criminal justice system?
This was an extended response question on courts achieving justice. Candidates had to include some discussion on sentencing and punishment in their responses to do well. The state average was 7.3/15.
08 May 2023