On 18 June 2003, the Attorney General asked us to examine the issue of abolishing prison sentences of 6 months or less.
We transmitted our Report: Abolishing Prison Sentences of Six Months or Less (PDF, 907.2 KB) to the Attorney General on 6 August 2004. It was launced on 17 November 2004.
The Attorney General responded to our Report in Parliament on 17 November 2004: Sentencing Council Prison Sentences Report (PDF, 18.6 KB)
The following documents were part of the consultation process for our report:
The following terms of reference were issued on 18 June 2003:
Pursuant to Section 100 J (1)(d) of the Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999 (“The Act”), I am requesting the NSW Sentencing Council to prepare a report on the subject of abolishing prison sentences of 6 months or less. In preparation of that report the Council may wish to consider issues such as:
1. The impact or consequence of abolition of prison sentences of 6 months or less upon:
2. The effect that abolishing sentences of 6 months or less would have on existing legislation (including sections 5 and 46 of the Act);
3. Whether sentences of imprisonment of 6 months or less should be abolished generally or subject to condition/s.
4. The need for any legislative reform to give effect to any recommended changes.
5. The development of alternative sentencing options to terms of imprisonment of 6 months or less (including whether there is any role for criminal justice intervention programs).
27 Nov 2024