Sentencing for alcohol-related violence

On 30 October 2008, the Attorney General asked us to examine sentencing for alcohol-related violent crime.


We transmitted our Report: Sentencing for Alcohol-related Violence (PDF, 713.3 KB) to the Attorney General in March 2009.

The Attorney General responded to our Report in Parliament, on 24 June 2009 - Question Without Notice (PDF, 74.1 KB)

Terms of reference

The following terms of reference were issued on 30 October 2008:

Pursuant to s 100J of the Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act 1999 (NSW) the Sentencing Council is to examine alcohol-related violent crime in accordance with the following terms of reference:

1. The current principles and practices governing sentencing for offences committed whilst the offender is intoxicated;

2. The current principles and practices governing sentencing for alcohol related violence, including violence offences where a glass or bottle is used as a weapon (commonly known as ‘glassing’);

3. Should the intoxication of the offender be added as anaggravating factor in sentencing under s 21A of the Crimes (Sentencing Procedure) Act;

4. The identification of any changes required to penalties or sentencing practices to address the issue of ‘glassing’;

5. The identification of any other changes required to penalties or sentencing practices to address alcohol related violence; and

6. Any other relevant matter.

Last updated:

27 Nov 2024